June 21, 2020 - The Significant Role of a Father - Dan Thoemke

The Significant Role of a Father




Question: “When considering the role of a father, what is one role they play that leaves a lasting impression on your mind?”


READ with me Joshua 24:1-8 (Remember - Your God / Your Land / The Battle we won)


I.                Casting a Vision- (Serving the Lord) small but significant ways) Josh. 24:15 (context = end of his life)

a.     Daily meal-time prayer

b.     Unique alone moments with dad 

c.      Storytelling- the little ways God came through for our family. 

II.              Creating Meaningful Spaces- (Acts 17:26- God has appointed the very time and place you should live) 

a.     Dad took our home and land seriously

b.     Creating Memories based on his experience for the family.  

c.      Neighboring well 

III.             Defending the family- (Prov. 14:26- The fear of the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge.)

a.     Prayer was his biggest weapon 

b.     In the right place at the right time. 

c.      Love and faithfulness extended to his children during struggles. 

d.     He knew his own weakness and embraced it.  


1.     What are you going to be about in this life?


2.     What is one role you want to focus on and grow in?


3.     Where are you most vulnerable in your fathering?