Equipping Ministry
Bible Essentials for the Believer in a Post-Christian World
February 3 - April 14, 2025
Sadly, many people in our post-Christian culture view the Bible as archaic and irrelevant. We, on the other hand, believe that the Bible is reliable, true, and very relevant and we whole-heartedly disagree with those who would marginalize God's Word.
Beginning in February, we will be teaching a class at the church called "Bible Essentials for the Believer in a Post-Christian World." This class will address a number of questions about the Bible, including:
What is the Bible and what does it teach?
Where did the Bible come from and how did it come to us?
Can we trust what the Bible teaches
Is the Bible still relevant to us today?
How can we read we read the Bible effectively and apply it to everyday life?
The class will be held on Monday evenings at 7:00pm from February 3 to April 14 (excluding February 17 and March 17).
This is an adult-oriented class.
Space will be limited. Please sign up here to attend the class.