Equipping Ministry

Bible Essentials for the Believer in a Post-Christian World
February 3 - April 14, 2025

Sadly, many people in our post-Christian culture view the Bible as archaic and irrelevant. We, on the other hand, believe that the Bible is reliable, true, and very relevant and we whole-heartedly disagree with those who would marginalize God's Word.

Beginning in February, we will be teaching a class at the church called "Bible Essentials for the Believer in a Post-Christian World." This class will address a number of questions about the Bible, including:

  • What is the Bible and what does it teach?

  • Where did the Bible come from and how did it come to us?

  • Can we trust what the Bible teaches

  • Is the Bible still relevant to us today?

  • How can we read we read the Bible effectively and apply it to everyday life?

The class will be held on Monday evenings at 7:00pm from February 3 to April 14 (excluding February 17 and March 17).

This is an adult-oriented class.

Space will be limited. Please sign up here to attend the class.